Understanding the Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

When you struggle with anxiety about receiving dental care, it can get in the way of getting the oral health treatments you need. However, sedation dentistry in Deerwood, MN, can be a saving grace and highly beneficial for many patients. If you have considered sedation dentistry, you may be curious to know what the benefits of this modern path to treatment are and if they could be valuable to you as a patient. Take a look at a few of the most prominent benefits of undergoing sedation for dental treatments below.

Calming the Nerves: Sedation Dentistry Eases Dental Anxiety

As many as 36 percent of people struggle with anxiety when it comes to dental treatments. Many of these individuals put off much-needed care, which can lead to higher rates of dental infection, a need for extractions, and unnecessary oral health issues. Sedation dentistry allows you to remain in a calmer, more peaceful state throughout the treatment session, so you are less aware of the experience and get the treatment you need.

Customized Comfort: Tailoring Sedation Methods to Individual Needs

Sedatives used during dental treatments vary in type and effects. IV sedation, oral medication sedation, and nitrous oxide (laughing gas) sedation are the three primary types of sedation used in dentistry. Each patient can have different needs, and some levels of sedation work best for certain types of needs and treatments. Therefore, when you do opt for sedation as a patient, your treatment can be fully customized to make sure you are comfortable.

Time Flies When You’re Relaxed: Enhancing Patient Experience with Sedation

One often overlooked benefit of sedation dentistry is that the treatment can seem to go by much faster. For patients who struggle with dental treatment anxiety, time in the chair during treatments can feel overwhelming. However, with some levels of sedation, your treatment can seem like it is complete much faster. Not only does the treatment feel like it moves along faster, it does. When a patient is calm, the dentist can work more efficiently, which means the treatment can be completed in a more timely manner.

Discuss the Benefits of Sedation Dentistry with a Deerwood Dentist

If you believe sedation dentistry may be the right path for you, discuss your options with a qualified Deerwood, MN, dentist for support in making the best decision. At River Oaks Dental, we provide multiple levels of sedation during dental treatment for patients who are good candidates. Reach out to one of our helpful team members to discuss our treatment options or schedule a consultation today.

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